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Download Book Imagery In The Gospel Of John in PDF format. You can Read Online Imagery In The Gospel Of John here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats.Imagery In The Gospel Of John
Author : Jörg FreyISBN : 3161491165
Genre : Religion
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Revised and enlarged papers from a conference held July 30-Aug. 1, 2005, in Eisenach, Germany, with additional contributions.
Creation Imagery In The Gospel Of John
Author : Carlos Raul Sosa SiliezarISBN : 9780567664259
Genre : Religion
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Gospel Of John Study Guide
Sosa Siliezar investigates the presence and significance of creation imagery in the Gospel of John. He argues that John has intentionally included only a limited (albeit significant) number of instances of creation imagery and that he has positioned them carefully to highlight their significance. Sosa Siliezar contends that the instances of creation imagery used in varying contexts function collectively in a threefold way that is consonant with John's overall argument. First, John uses them to portray Jesus in close relationship with his Father, existing apart from and prior to the created order. Second, John uses creation imagery to assert the primal and universal significance of Jesus and the message about him, and to privilege him over other important figures in the story of Israel. Third, John uses creation imagery to link past reality with present and future reality, portraying Jesus as the agent of creation whom the reader should regard as the primal agent of revelation and salvation. The book concludes by underscoring how these findings inform our understanding of John's Christology and Johannine dualism.The Imagery Of Love In The Gospel Of John
Author : Varghese JohnsISBN : 9788876531774
Genre : Bibles
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Slightly revised version of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana, 2007.
Die Starken Und Die Schwachen In Korinth Und In Rom
Author : Volker GäckleISBN : 3161486781
Genre : Religion
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English summary: Volker Gackle studies the identity of the parties to the conflict in 1 Cor 8:1-11:1 and Rom 14:1-15:13, who were characterized as weak and in Rome as strong as well. In addition to a theological and sociological profile of each of the groups, the author focuses on the origin of the antithetic group attributes, their background in the history of ideas and their function in the conflict on the one hand and in Pauline argumentation on the other hand. He also shows the way the two texts are connected and how Pauline argumentation fits in with the overall picture of Pauline theology, especially in the context of the theology of the cross which he developed in 1 and 2 Corinthians. German description: Volker Gackle befasst sich mit der Frage nach der Identitat der als schwach und in Rom auch als stark charakterisierten Konfliktpartner in 1Kor 8,1-11,1 und Rom 14,1-15,13. Neben dem theologischen und soziologischen Profil der jeweiligen Gruppierungen steht die Frage nach der Herkunft der antithetischen Gruppenattribute, ihrem geistesgeschichtlichen Hintergrund und ihrer Funktion im Konflikt einerseits und in der paulinischen Argumentation andererseits im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Nach einem forschungsgeschichtlichen Uberblick folgt eine bisher noch fehlende ausfuhrliche Untersuchung des Wortfeldes 's e?a / 's in der antiken Literatur. Die hier gewonnenen Ergebnisse sind die Grundlage fur die Bestimmung der jeweiligen Konfliktgruppen und fur das Verstandnis der paulinischen Argumentation.Dabei wird deutlich, wie Paulus seine im 1. Korintherbrief entwickelte Argumentationsstrategie mitsamt den in Korinth angetroffenen Gruppenattributen auf einen ahnlichen, jedoch nicht identischen Konflikt in der romischen Gemeinde appliziert. Daruber hinaus ordnet der Autor die paulinische Argumentation in das Gesamtbild der paulinischen Theologie ein.
The Son Father Relationship And Christological Symbolism In The Gospel Of John
Author : Adesola Joan AkalaISBN : 9780567577108
Genre : Religion
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This volume examines Johannine symbolism within the lens of Jesus' relationship with the Father. After demonstrating that the Gospel narrative symbolically portrays Jesus as the Son of God who is relationally inseparable from his Father, the study shows how the Son-Father Relationship (SFR) is at the center of the network of Christological symbols in the Gospel of John. Using an innovative narrative framework, this book unveils the creative and symbolic introduction of the SFR in the Prologue (Jn. 1. 1-18), its development through the words and actions of Jesus' teaching ministry within the Johannine narrative, and its culmination in the Prayer (Jn. 17); the SFR motif then concludes in the remainder of the Gospel. This narrative framework reveals how the SFR shapes the literary style and theological strategy of the Gospel, and acts as an integrative force by giving structure and cohesion to the Gospel's symbolic system. Two key features presented in this book are a theory of symbolism and a network of symbols. The specially formulated 'Theory of Johannine Symbolism' explains the theoretical and theological underpinnings of the Gospel's symbolic network, called 'John's Christological Symbology'. Through the symbolic network, the author of the Gospel fulfills the theological purpose stated in Jn. 20:31-that hearer-readers believe in Jesus the Christ, as the Son of God, and thereby experience eternal life.
Family Of The King
Author : Jan Gabriël Van der WattISBN : 9004116605
Genre : Religion
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Nearly all metaphors in the Gospel according to John relate to ancient family imagery. This volume, after exploring numerous state-of-the-art theories on metaphor, develops a customised metaphor theory from the Fourth Gospel itself.
God Dwells With Us
Author : Mary L. ColoeISBN : 0814659527
Genre : Religion
File Size : 85. 34 MB
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The image of the Temple speaks of a building, of a place of God's heavenly presence, and yet the experience of many Christians has been of God's indwelling in the human heart. In God Dwells with Us, Mary Coloe crosses the centuries through John's Gospel text and plunges into the experience of the Johannine community. Here, readers receive a sense of God's indwelling as promised by Jesus, and how it relates to the symbol of the Temple in the gospel narrative. In the years after the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, the Johannine community looked to the symbol of the Temple as a key means of expressing its new faith in Jesus. During his lifetime he was the living presence of Israel's God dwelling in history. In the absence of the historical Jesus, the believing community?past, present, and future?continue to be a locus for the divine indwelling and so can truly be called a living Temple. God Dwells with Us offers a new and consistent perspective on the symbol of the Temple which clarifies the christology of the Fourth Gospel. It establishes a new plot for this gospel?the destroying and raising of the Temple; and shows how this occurs within the text. The chapters provide a new approach to its structure. It is unique in its treatment of John 14:2 where it establishes that the new Temple is the household of believers on earth. It also presents a new interpretation of the Johannine Crucifixion and the scene with Jesus' mother and the Beloved Disciple. Chapters are 'God's Dwelling Place in Israel,' 'The Temple of His Body: 2:13-15,' 'The Supplanter: 4:1-45,' 'The Tabernacling Presence of God: 7:1-8:59,' 'The Consecrated One: 10:22-42,' 'My Father's House 14:1-31,' and 'Raising the New Temple: 18:1-19:42.'?. . . a lucid exposition of a major New Testament theme and an excellent illustration of how narrative works as theology. No library supporting Gospel study should be without it.? Theological Studies?Dr. Coloe has written a much-needed and welcome study of the temple theme in the Fourth Gospel. Her work is meticulous and comprehensive, exploring the symbolism with sensitivity to its narrative and theological framework. At times, it is challenging and provocative, inspiring the reader with new insights into the temple imagery of this Gospel. The result is an illuminating study of a neglected and critical aspect of Johannine theology.? Dorothy Lee Queens College Australia'This perceptive study takes readers into the heart of John's gospel by focusing on a cluster of its major symbols. Sanctuary images offer engaging perspectives on Christ's incarnation, death and resurrection, and on life within the Christian community. Drawing together the gospel's varied symbols for God's dwelling place, this book shows how the ancient scriptures point to God's abiding presence.' Craig R. Koester Luther Seminary St. Paul, Minnesota
Symbolism In The Gospel Of John
Author : Paul DielISBN : UVA:X001557986
Genre : Religion
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The Gospel Of John Pdf Download
Sourcebook Of The Structures And Styles In John 1 10
Author : Sang-Hoon KimISBN : 9781630878566
Genre : Religion
File Size : 61. 37 MB
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No other book in the New Testament compares to John in its complexity of style and structure. So many factors confuse Johannine scholars, including the complexity of styles, repetition, duplication, and seemingly distracted structures that are difficult to discern. Sourcebook of the Structures and Styles in John 1-10 is designed to scrutinize the structures and styles in John 1-10, reading John according to John's way, with the following integrated points of view: First, this reading is indebted to both diachronic and synchronic approaches. Second, macro structure and micro style are treated together and interactively. Third, specific and overall analyses are made together. Fourth, grammatical and relational considerations are brought together. Fifth, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic relations are considered all together. Sixth, both parallelisms and chiasms (including their variations) are examined, whether in macro structure or in micro style, without excluding either. Seventh, all types of parallelisms and chiasms are examined, whether simple or complex. Eighth, ancient and modern ways in writing-reading processes complement each other. Ninth, Western and Eastern perspectives become complementary. Tenth, the Greek text and its English version (by the author) are used interactively. Eleventh, analysis and discussion are brought to complement one another.
Engaging With C H Dodd On The Gospel Of John
Author : Tom ThatcherISBN : 9781107035669
Genre : Bibles
File Size : 59. 94 MB
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C. H. Dodd's Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel, published in 1963, marked a milestone in New Testament research and has become a standard resource for the study of John. Historically biblical scholars have concentrated on the Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke. However, Dodd's book encouraged scholars to take John seriously as a source for the life of Jesus. This volume both reflects upon and looks beyond Dodd's writings to address the implications, limitations and potential of his groundbreaking research and its programmatic approach to charting a course for future research on the Gospel of John. Leading biblical scholars demonstrate the recent surge of interest in John's distinctive witness to Jesus, and also in Dodd's work as the harbinger of advancements in the study of the Fourth Gospel. This volume will be invaluable to all those studying the New Testament, Johannine theology and the history of the early Church.