How To Download Torrent With Linux Terminal

From my Linux Mint operating system, how do I install/dual-boot this Ubuntu OS which is downloaded as a .iso file?

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So that it comes up as an option to boot into when I first turn on my computer. Thanks.


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How To Download Torrent With Linux Terminal

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2 Answers

In order to make an Ubuntu live USB for installing Ubuntu, use UNetbootin (Windows<=Windows 7/Mac/Linux/Linux Mint Software Manager). The flash drive you use should be 2GB or larger and formatted to FAT32. For Ubuntu 18.04 and later it should be 4GB or larger.

UNetbootin will automatically format the USB flash drive to FAT32 if it is not already formatted to FAT32. In either case the formatting procedure will delete all of the files that are already on the flash drive.

It is very important to verify that the device that you are installing the Ubuntu live USB to is indeed your flash drive, so that you don't overwrite any of your system or personal files which may make your operating system unbootable. In Linux Mint you can find the device name of the flash drive using the Disks application. In the picture below the name of the flash drive is /dev/sdc1 where /dev/sdc is the device name of the flash drive and the 1 after sdc means UNetbootin will install the Ubuntu live USB on the first partition on that device.

In order to enable your computer to boot from the USB flash drive, you must enter your BIOS/UEFI setup utility by pressing one of these keys, usually: Delete, F2 or F10 as soon as the motherboard splash screen appears when the computer is booting. In the BIOS/UEFI menu, you need to change the boot order so that the USB flash drive, which is usually called USB-HDD in newer computers, is the first entry in the boot sequence, and then save your new settings and exit the setup utility.


I usually go the tried and true method: Burn to a CD and pop in drive, reboot, change the boot order in the BIOS to boot from CD FIRST, reboot a second time and install.

This may be your only option. I know Ubuntu has an app called Wubi that can install from within a OS but its windows specific.

How To Download Torrent With Linux Terminal 1

So in your case, crack into a terminal

dd if=/dev/drive of=my_distro.iso bs=2048

How To Download Torrent In Linux Terminal

or you can get a copy of something like k3b or Brasero and burn through a GUI.

Linux terminal programs

EDIT: Also, verify the checksum of the ISO before you burn. Will save you MANY headaches if you somehow got a bad ISO.


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