Origin Wont Download Game Pack

Origin Wont Download Game Pack

May 18, 2018  Why won't Origin download all my packs? I can see the 'Download' on the packs in Origin under 'Extra Content.' When I try repairing the game, I have the option to 'Add to Queue' but the missing packs are not added. The Origin update never works for me, It will start to download then stops without updating and go into offline mode. Sense others may have the same problem I thought I would post the solution I use for this.

Origin Wont Download Game Pack For Windows 7


OriginOrigin games won

Can't Open Origin on Windows 10 I just upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 10. However, every time I try to open Origin (to play games from EA,) since I made the upgrade, I get two errors that are almost identical.

Why Won't My Origin Download

  • Hello.
    Check to make sure that your anti virus/firewall programs are not causing issues.
    Check that there are no background processes that are running on your computer that could be causing problems.
    Right click the origin icon on your computer then click ' run as adminstrator' . Log in to origin, then try to download GTW.
    Repairing the game may help. To do that, right click on the sims 4 picture in Origin and click repair.
    Try clean booting your computer then installing the pack.

    My Gallery Page https://tinyurl.com/Roseymow
    My Showcase thread https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/948861/rosemow-s-rooms-showcase
  • Thank you for your suggestions, but it seems nothing works. I have checked my antivirus and everything is working fine. I performed a disk cleanup. I have nothing else running except for Google Chrome. I am trying to repair the game now as an administrator and it just says 'queued' as it normally does but nothing happens. I have tried to install the pack several times, after restarting, after a whole day, and nothing.
  • I am sorry that you are continuing to have issues.
    Try clearing your web browser caches and temporary files and see if that may help.
    Try uninstalling origin.
    Then run cc cleaner
    Then reinstall origin, and see if you can download GTW.

    My Gallery Page https://tinyurl.com/Roseymow
    My Showcase thread https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/948861/rosemow-s-rooms-showcase