The tale begins when four young warriors, each possessing a crystal, are summoned to restore the world’s harmonious elemental balance. During their voyage, they discover a nefarious entity has created turmoil in the structure of time in order to take control of the world, causing the heroes to travel to places they never imagined possible.
- The ultimate edition of the game that gave birth to a phenomenon.
- The original game in the amazing FINAL FANTASY series that has sold over 75 million copies worldwide now returns in completely re-mastered form, exclusively for PSP.
- Redrawn graphics and enhanced sound capitalise on the PSP’s impressive audiovisual capabilities.
- Featuring an all-new dungeon, the Labyrinth of Time.
- Art Gallery mode allows you to view the stunning artwork of leading illustrator Yoshitaka Amano.
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Download Final Fantasy Type-0 PSP (English Patched) ISO Final Fantasy Type-0 PSP (English Patched) download - People cannot choose when they are born and where they are born in, but they can choose how to live their lives.
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